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Clinic Update
Last year at CAToberfest we announced the opening of our new clinic in south King County. Our first day of surgery was August 1st, 2020. Since that day, when 15 South County Cats' (SCC) foster kittens were spayed or neutered, more than 1,000 cats or kittens have been altered at our South County Spay/Neuter Clinic. This program is a collaboration with Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project (FCSNP). We are Stronger Together! Staff from FCSNP and volunteers from FCSNP and SCC assemble once a week (usually on Fridays), to spay or neuter 25-35 cats from all over the Puget Sound area. Cats can also receive vaccinations, parasite treatment and a microchip at the time of surgery. The South County Spay/Neuter Clinic, with safe protocols for cats and humans, is filling an important need at this time when access to spay or neuter for pets is challenging for everyone. In addition to our Trap-Neuter-Return program, rescue/foster/spay-neuter/adoption program, this clinic has accelerated our impact in our community. We look forward to growing this program as staffing and funding permit. Since our incorporation in 2006, nearly 19,000 cats have been spayed or neutered through our programs. Spay is the Way to Save Lives.
Your donation will directly support our spay and neuter programs.
Reservations for FCSNP in Lynnwood and the South County Spay/Neuter Clinic in Renton can be made at
Thank you for your support!
Ruth Laitila - from Julius & Gwen
Lonney & Lisa Dickinson - in honor of "Max"
Colleen Wardell - in honor of Sally, for all of her amazing accomplishments
Betty Louise Webster
Kris Nelson
Cathleen Powell - in honor of all the hardworking South County Cats' volunteers and the many thousands of cats and kittens who have better lives because of them.
Linda Irrgang
Leslie Hodges
Dana Neuts - in memory of Sammy